Whether it uses a hamburger, a tab bar, a toggle or a switcher, the most effective examples are apps that implement what is best for their product and users.
Typography in mobile app design has shifted significantly in the last few few years. Where before, designers were searching for unique fonts to differentiate their designs, many now opt for the iOS and Android defaults, San Francisco and Roboto respectively.
Mobile app design has made for an exciting and diverse 2017. More than ever, there seems to be a split between extreme minimalism, and apps that use an abundance of…
App icons for iOS have evolved considerably since its inception. Early on, there was a great focus on gradients, shadows, and highlights. The gradients have seen a resurgence since then,…
With iOS 11 having now been officially rolled out across Apple devices, we are beginning to see some beautiful examples of what can be achieved using the revised design language.…
Newsletters have long been a necessary aspect of marketing. While in the early years, designs were basic and uninspiring, we are now seeing some extraordinary examples of companies and individuals…
Chatbots are a concept that has been around for a while, but relatively recently has become noticed as an opportunity you don’t want to miss in mobile app design.
eCommerce mobile apps have come a long way since their inception coincided with the release of the Android and iOS ecosystems. Where we used to see fairly uninspired examples of user interface design, we now see some of the best examples of UI design within these eCommerce apps.
It's now commonplace for mobile user interfaces to include touch gestures for an enhanced user experience. So what exactly is a touch gesture? Think Twitter with its pull to refresh, or Apple Maps with its pinch to zoom. It can even be as simple as a swipe or press and hold.
Onboarding is a crucial element of many mobile applications. It walks the user through an introduction covering both what the app is, and how it works.