Category: WordPress

If you work in WordPress, you know that it’s an easy system to get around… but there’s a lot more to it than what you see at first glance. Stay tuned for some cool tips, tricks, tools, and techniques you absolutely must know if you’re going to work in this CMS.

A person writing a new post in WordPress on a laptop

How to Limit Post Revisions in WordPress

Optimizing your WordPress workflow often involves tweaking a few settings and functions. One of these features is post revisions. This built-in functionality can be a lifesaver, especially when you want…
How to Use a WooCommerce Point-of-Sale System

How to Setup a WooCommerce Store for Point-of-Sale Purchases

Taking point-of-sale orders is a thrilling prospect. Imagine this: customers come up to your popup store or vendor booth at a convention or fair, find the products they’re looking for, and make a purchase right then and there without having to wait in line or worry about stock availability.
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7 Full Site Editing WordPress Themes for 2022

WordPress has undergone quite a few changes as of late. In the past few years alone, there have been major updates to WordPress core, changing how people interact with the CMS in major ways. The biggest innovation is the addition of full site editing to WordPress.

20 Top WordPress Themes In 2020

In this article we have compiled a list of 20 of the top WordPress themes available at Envato Elements. For those who are unaware, Envato Elements is a marketplace with…