Author: Brenda Stokes Barron

Brenda Stokes Barron is a professional writer and blogger and The Digital Inkwell is her personal brand. You can often find her typing furiously at her local Starbucks. (Yes, she's that person).

9 Free Data Visualization Tools

Data can be beautiful. And if you’ve ever had to work with graphs and statistics in your web design work before, you know that the extra visual reinforcement is much…

When to Say No to a Web Design Client

Rejecting potential clients is an art that all freelancers and designers should know. Sometimes, you and the client just don’t work well together, and that’s okay! It just takes a…

8 Mood Board Makers for Web Designers

Mood boards are an important tool for many web designers. These stylish collages allow you to collect and organize a series of images, photographs, color swatches and typography to give…