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The Most Popular Web Design Trends for 2017

While most of these predictions make a lot of sense based on what we have seen being used lately, I'd like to dig deeper into these trends and analyze the top 7 web design trends 2017 has to offer, while providing some tools and resources in achieving the desired look.

15 Web-Based CSS Tools for Web Designers

CSS tools are important for web designers and developers because they help them by simplifying the jobs they have to do. Considering time is money and such generators spare time, it is easy to understand why many web developers are excited about these tools.

25 Insightful User Experience Design Guides

UX or user experience is something which is wholly necessary for the creation of a website. However, it is also something which very few users understand. From a design perspective, UX is undeniably as essential as the aesthetic components of a website.

Should You Design for Mobile?

Nowadays, more and more companies are resorting to designing for mobile or adapting the mobile-first design. It seems that most, if not all, companies have a mobile version of their websites. In fact, if you don't have a mobile version, you're missing out on a lot of things.

The Interesting History of Apple

Apple is the brainchild of one of the greatest innovators of history, Steve Jobs. His passing was unexpected and early, but he has left us with enough wealth in knowledge. Steve Jobs changed the way we listen to music, communicate with people and interact with our gadgets.