Search Results for: fast and easy

Is X the WordPress Theme for You?

Today, we review and analyze the X theme, which has recently been getting popular among graphic and web designers. You might have seen their ads appearing in the web design community all over the place and wondered what's the deal with this mysterious X?

Essential Tips to Help You Stay Focused on Project Deadlines

Not having a nine-to-five job, selecting your own clients, setting your own rates and deadlines and also doing PR work for yourself is quite different than being a full-time employee in a web design agency, where many of the things above are done by different individuals or departments.

How to Improve Your Website’s Bounce Rate

One thing a site owner needs to take into consideration is their bounce rate. This is very important for it tells you on how many visitors are “bouncing” away from your site. A bounce rate determines the success or failure of a website.