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Take a Look at the Latest eCommerce Mobile App Design Trends

eCommerce mobile apps have come a long way since their inception coincided with the release of the Android and iOS ecosystems. Where we used to see fairly uninspired examples of user interface design, we now see some of the best examples of UI design within these eCommerce apps.

15 Simple Productivity Tips for Freelance Designers

For freelancers, productivity means money. The more efficiently you get things done, the better off you will be both professionally and financially. That’s why we have put together this article that will give you some productivity tips on how to do just that, get more things done.

Mobile UI Optimized for Touch Gestures

It's now commonplace for mobile user interfaces to include touch gestures for an enhanced user experience. So what exactly is a touch gesture? Think Twitter with its pull to refresh, or Apple Maps with its pinch to zoom. It can even be as simple as a swipe or press and hold.

How to Create Shapes in CSS

One of best features of CSS is that it reduces the use of images in web design and allows you to create simple shapes. Learn how to create circles, squares, triangles, stars, comment bubbles, stars, and even Pacman, all in pure CSS.

Organize Your Content with CSS Counters

It is pretty common to see step-based content. Tutorials, shopping carts, FAQ's, gGrandma's recipes. You know, numbers and steps are really good to grab attention, so many writers use this.