Tag: Inspiration

Interesting New Newsletter Design Trends

Newsletters have long been a necessary aspect of marketing. While in the early years, designs were basic and uninspiring, we are now seeing some extraordinary examples of companies and individuals…

How Minimalist UI Design Almost Killed Skeuomorphism

If you draw a comparison between web design and architecture, you will see that the modern minimalist design (aka flat design) and the tabula rasa pioneered by the European modern architects at the onset of the 20th century are similar in more ways than one. 

What is Lomography?

If you haven't heard of Lomography, it's time to educate yourself. Whether you are a seasoned photographer or a self-confessed newbie, everyone can be a Lomographer.

40 Inspirational Websites with a Flat Design

Flat Design has started a revolution that has affected a huge portion of web design. It has changed most websites’ colors schemes, iconography, layout, and so much more. The third dimension of design has been completely eliminated and replaced with a much simpler, cleaner, and user-friendly web.

50 Modern Single Page Websites for Inspiration

Single page websites have the perfect amount of information for your visitors. This is crucial for maximizing the effect of user-friendly design. The search for information is minimized and forces the visitor to focus on important content.

An Analysis of Responsive Web Design

Everyone in the web design world is chirping away about responsive websites. People definitely carry strong views about it and whether you like it or not, you cannot deny the fact that responsive web design has gone mainstream and will continue to progress and expand in the future.