Search Results for: freelance

Tips for Increasing Your Creative Output

No matter how good you are, everyone falls prey to inefficient workflows that rob them of their time and energy, not to mention limit their creative expression. These research-backed steps give creatives the tools to remove friction from their workflow, helping them produce better work - faster.

The Importance of Your Reputation as a Creative

If you don't already know, you are constantly being evaluated by everyone you meet. I'm not just talking about the quality of the things you design or the projects that you code, either, although that's certainly important.

Unconventional Ways of Getting Your Design Work Noticed

Getting your work noticed is not easy. There are thousands, if not millions of designers doing the same work as you, and if you're really honest with yourself, they might even be doing it better! But that doesn't mean you can't be successful. Nor does it mean that you can't get your work noticed.

The Journey to UX Overhaul Begins with These Simple Steps

Business has changed dramatically over the past few decades, and making memorable interactions with potential customers is a top priority for companies in a hyper-competitive market. User experience, or UX, is one of the most prominent concepts in discussions about modern marketing, and for good reason.