Category: Freelance Design

When you’re trying to run your own freelance business, it’s important to remember that you’re not just a design professional. You’re also a business owner. That means you need to learn not just how to do your design job better, but how to run your business better, too.

Top Freelance Jobs for Web Designers

Freelance Web Design Jobs are a lucrative part of the creative industry. It’s possible to earn thousands of dollars from the comfort of your own home. The last decade’s internet…

How to Prepare for a Remote Job Interview

You’ve got an interview for a sweet remote working position. Congratulations. Now it’s time to prepare. Of course, you should follow the advice that any candidate should adhere to, like researching the company and your interviewer, appear enthusiastic and so on.

15 Simple Productivity Tips for Freelance Designers

For freelancers, productivity means money. The more efficiently you get things done, the better off you will be both professionally and financially. That’s why we have put together this article that will give you some productivity tips on how to do just that, get more things done.

How Internal and External Motivation Differs

Motivation is the power that comes from within that pushes you to take action towards achieving your goal. Simultaneously powered by desire and ambition, and therefore, if these are absent, motivation has no effect.