Author: Editorial Team

We are 1stWebDesigner and we’re on a mission to help you build a better web. Our team produces content created by web design professionals, for web design professionals.

The Beginner’s Guide to Learning Less

Less allows you to write CSS in a simpler way by just using and combining mixins, functions, and so on. Less also increases readability and organization of CSS using imports, nested rules and comments with .less extension.

15 Best Organizing Bookmarks Tools

If you’re a blogger, journalist, or simply have a desire for more knowledge, you’ve most definitely faced information organization problems. Sometimes being able to access and find information quickly is…

20 Creative Book Covers and the Story Behind Them

Book cover designs are probably the hardest thing for designers to design because it should show the heart and the soul of the book in one single image. At the same time, it should be visually striking and appealing. Readers are still visual people after all.