Search Results for: news theme

Top 50 jQuery Gallery & Image Sliders for 2020

Every website usually requires some image gallery solution and you don't want to spend too much time creating one from scratch. For that reason, we've made the job easy for you and collected all of the best image gallery and slider (free and premium) solutions available!

Adaptive vs. Responsive Web Design

Modern websites need to look and function well on every screen. That’s not exactly a newsflash, as web designers have been told this for years. But there is more than…

Best Practices for Managing Multiple WordPress Sites

For designers who maintain multiple websites, managing a constant flow of WordPress updates can be tricky. If you're not careful, sites can become outdated in a relatively short amount of time. Or, multiple sites could face problems if you're rushing to update them all without first checking for potential conflicts. Either way, it's not pretty.