Another Friday, another edition of “This Week In Web Design”, our weekly roundup of all of the web design news, blog posts, and tutorials published in the past seven days. This week’s list includes tools, WordPress tips and tricks, UX discussions, JavaScript, CSS, and much more. So pull up a chair and dive into this week’s web design news!
Your Web Designer Toolbox
Unlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, Icon Sets, Themes & Design Assets
Starting at only $16.50/month!
Design Handoff Tools
A list of the best design handoff tools to aid in the design handoff process.
Responsive Design Checklist: Your 7-Item List for Responsive Design
Your extensive responsive design checklist to ensure that you provide the best possible website experience to all users — no matter what device they use.
5 UX Tips To Design an Excellent Mobile Checkout Process
The essential principles of a great mobile checkout process to help you multiply sales and reduce abandons.
How to Check if Post has Taxonomy Term In WordPress
To check if a Custom Post Type belongs to a specific term in a Custom Taxonomy, use has_term() instead.
5 Reasons to Avoid the Desktop Hamburger Menu Icon
Why would you do it? Other than to maintain or establish a certain aesthetic, it’s hard to find an answer that makes any sense.
A Website Proposal Template That Will Impress Your Clients
Everything you need to know about website proposal templates — what they are, why you should use them, and how to build one that will have people paying attention.
Tackling Authentication With Vue Using RESTful APIs
Vue can’t actually do authentication all by itself, so we’ll be using another service (Firebase) for that, but then integrating the whole experience in Vue.
Error Handling in JavaScript
An easy introduction to error handling in JavaScript.
Simple Strategies for Winning the Positions Other Developers Want
How do they do it?
12 Ways to Increase Your Website Conversions using Design Principles
12 tips that can help boost your site’s conversion without sacrificing good web design.
A “new direction” in the struggle against rightward scrolling
Some interesting thoughts on various solutions.
How to Build a Grayscale to Color Effect on Scroll (CSS & JavaScript)
Start with some grayscale images and learn how to smoothly reveal their colored variants on scroll.
Solving the “right” problem
There are a few simple specific tactics we can use to ensure that our products are designed for solving the right problem for its users.
WordPress Block Transforms
This has been the year of Gutenberg for the CSS-Tricks website.
How to Create a Custom Bootstrap Template from Scratch
How you can create a Bootstrap template from scratch in minutes.
Building Trust with Transparency
Web designers need to be ready to help clients communicate that transparency through their websites.
Radio Buttons Are Like Selects; Checkboxes Are Like Multiple Selects
Understanding Machines: An Open Standard For JavaScript Functions
Become familiar with what machines are and how to implement them.
Handy Tips on Productivity in Terms of Remote Work
A bunch of tips on how to increase productivity and stay focused on the conditions of remote work.
18+ Amazing Pure CSS Animated Buttons
Latest Collection of free Amazing Pure CSS Animated Buttons Code Examples.
16 Pitch Deck Templates You Need to See
We’ve done the hard part for you and sourced 16 pitch deck templates that offer real functionality and look great doing it.
10 Tips to Create the Best Website Style Guide
A website style guide is an important aspect when it comes to bringing coordination and collaboration amongst the team.
Beautiful Examples of Login Forms for Websites and Apps
The basics of login forms, consider good UX tips, get clues from beautiful login form examples to find out how to create a pleasurable experience, and eliminate user obstacles.
How Uber uses psychology to perfect their customer experience
Uber tackles their biggest pain points with science.
Figure It Out
Color is, without a doubt, the visual element most often misunderstood and misused.
How to Make Taxonomy Pages With Gatsby and
How to make taxonomy pages with Gatsby with structured content from
How to Hack, Redesign, & Customize the Django Admin with Bootstrap
The Django administration site is great — fully-featured, easy to use, secure by design, rock solid … and somewhat ugly.
Flexbox-like “just put elements in a row” with CSS grid
It’s worth noting though that grid can do the same thing in its own special way.
How to Redirect With PHP
How to redirect to another page with PHP.
43 Habits of Successful Web Designers
If you not only want to create a business that you love but also be able to enjoy your life at the same time, start incorporating these strategies.
19 JS Libraries/Plugins for Typography
As with almost every part of web design, there are several tools available to help make you more effective. Typography is no different.
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