This is our collection of the best web design books from 2016. Pick one or two of them from the list, grab a coffee, sit back in your favorite chair, and enjoy.
A website, no matter how amazing it looks or how great the content, isn’t worth much if people don’t know it exists. That’s why SEO generates a never-ending stream of…
Brushes, textures, plugins, PSDs, patterns, stock photos, icon sets, and, of course, cheat sheets. These are all the essential elements and tools every designer should have in their Photoshop Toolbox.
Sometimes photography isn’t enough to draw visitor interest. You want to add a more personal, artistic touch, a lighthearted tone, or a unique branding element. Illustration and drawings can really…
Every metric you can measure on your site will give you an optimized loading time. Everything from usability to search engine rankings improve with a faster site.
There is no…
A site is considered successful if it is useful, relevant, and well designed. As a Head of UX, I spend a lot of time thinking about great design, website best practices and how it can be used to create great and profitable websites.
With the impending release of WordPress 5.0, the new Gutenberg editor will make its way onto millions of websites. It’s a big change in how content is created, stored and…
Have you ever thought about why you became a web designer? It’s one of those questions that may not have entered your mind because, it’s just who you are.
When you’re creating a business card, it’s imperative that you nail the design. This little piece of paper is the face of your business, and often a first impression of…
Online education is incredibly useful and convenient. What’s more, it’s not just for schools. Both public and private organizations use online education to train employees and help members stay in…
A landing page is one of the most crucial components to a successful website. It makes a first impression with users and states your case for sticking around. In the…
Coding is always the best option when creating a website, but if you aren't quite ready or don't have the necessary skills, take a look at these 50 website builder tools. One of them may just help you get your site live quicker than you could've ever imagined.