We have some cool, 100% absolutely FREE vector illustrations to offer you that you can download, edit, and use any way you’d like in your personal or commercial projects without any limitations! These Adobe Illustrator files were created specifically for 1stWebDesigner readers and cannot be found anywhere else, so you can use them confident in the knowledge that you will be among a select number of designers who have access to them. We wanted to give something back to all of our loyal followers and readers, so we created these free vector illustrations just for you!

If you have skills in Adobe Illustrator, you can change the colors, remove elements, or add to the image any way you’d like. Or, if not, you can just use them as is. A high-resolution PNG and SVG of each file is included in the download. You can also grab your own copy of Adobe Illustrator here, if you don’t already own it.

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Woman In Airport On Cellphone

woman in airport on cellphone - free vector illustrations

First up in our collection of free vector illustrations is a woman sitting in an airport talking on her cellphone. This could be used in a multitude of ways. For instance, you could easily change the airport setting by removing the airplane and suitcase.

Cat and Character With Plant On The Stairs

cat and person on stairs - free vector illustrations

Next up is a side-smiling character with a cat wandering down the stairs. Again, you could do any number of things to modify this illustration, such as moving the person the top of the stairs so that it looks like the cat is running away from them.

Windowsill Woman With A Tablet In Winter

winter windowsill woman - free vector illustrations

Our final offering is a woman sitting on a window seat with a tablet while snowflakes fall outside. Take this serene setting and adjust it to fit your needs in books, flyers, web sites – however you see fit!

Download Your Free Vector Illustrations Now!

We hope you have fun with and enjoy utilizing these illustrations in your projects. Keep following 1stWebDesigner so you don’t miss out on future freebies, along with everything else we have to offer.




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