Being a freelancer is cool, but it’s not without its challenges. While you usually have a great amount of freedom, you sometimes face challenges that office workers do not.

You still have deadlines to meet; some of which were particularly critical; and some of which are not anticipated. When your goal is to accomplish the maximum amount of work in the minimum amount of time, there are things you need to consider to make that happen.

Take Advantage of these Latest Be Theme Pre-Built Websites

These pre-built websites have been designed to help you turn out high quality work in a short amount of time. They come with the market’s fastest and most intuitive installer; as shown in this cool 40-second video.

Pre-built websites can save you a ton of time by allowing you to skip wireframing, prototyping, and coding.

15 Pre-Built Websites Examples

Be Craftbeer

Be Craftbeer

Large images on every page of this Craftbeer pre-built website helps to emphasize the product. A striking parallax effect is also put to good use, along with engaging JavaScript effects.

Be eLearning

Be eLearning

eLearning is all the rage these days. If you have an online business in this fast-growing niche, having a poorly designed website would be a shame. Try this fresh looking, easy to navigate pre-built website instead.

Be Tiles

Be Tiles

This pre-built website speaks of good interior design, with the product in the center and in the background as well. This professionally-designed layout could well have been the work of an architect.

Be Artist

Be Artist

Thinking about changing your website design to give it a more modern look and feel? This pre-built website template will help you do just that. You can leave the default design dark, or change it to any color you wish.

Be Burger

Be Burger

Be Burger offers a perfect website design solution for an online burger delivery service; or other catering services. Its hip design makes the product stand out in a way that will engage and help to convert the user.

Be Sports Club

Be Sports Club

The Sports Club pre-built website features a modern design that any health or fitness facility would be willing to spend money to feature on their website. Neat fade in animations and parallax effect add to the cool look.

Be Hotel 2

Be Hotel 2

This pre-built website for a hotel, with its stunning hero image and powerful message makes a viewer want to call for a reservation right away. All the relevant sections (a gallery, pricing, location, etc.) are included.

Be Restaurant

Be Restaurant

Just as is the case with the previous mentioned pre-built website, Be Restaurant’s clever design is made even more dashing and dynamic by a neat slider effect. Few if any other restaurants’ website designs can compare with this one.

Be Architect 2

Be Architect 2

It’s ability to provide a very interesting user experience is probably an understatement for this web design. It is built around different perspectives, and an ingenious use of design elements to create an engaging experience.

Be Boutique

Be Boutique

The background video in the hero section of this Be Boutique pre-built website is used to great effect. You can with do the same, plus the structure of this website is precisely what you need to create an engaging portfolio.



There’s no reason a corporate website, like this IT business’s website, can’t have a friendly look and feel. It’s well-structured, as you would expect in a tech site, but it also includes a casual twist – the human element.

Be Oculist

Be Oculist

When you spend time working in front of a computer, a visit to the eye doctor may not be far off. Website designs in this niche range from boring to horrible. You can change that with this pre-built website.

Be Furniture

Be Furniture

This great looking design, complete with slideshow, will make a great choice if you have a client in the furniture sales business. Be Furniture’s use of large images and its judiciously-designed layouts will make your work easy.

Be Car

Be Car

Be Car’s hero image conveys feelings of elegance and luxury. Plenty of white space throughout adds to these feelings, yet the layouts offer plenty of opportunities to get your message across.

Be Tea

Be Tea

Here’s a great way to start a project for a tea shop website. Note how the clever interactions between the image, the black menu, and the typography combine, to give this website a vintage look that is both charming and luxurious.

Set Up and Maintain a Regular Schedule

Working while not being under direct supervision makes it easy to slack off, even after having set up a work schedule. Establishing a work schedule is one of the first things a freelancer must do; having done so, it’s imperative to stick to it.

Home life needs to be considered to avoid potential conflicts, and it may take a few weeks to get into a rhythm. Don’t forget to include downtime in the schedule to avoid burnout.

Set Clear Boundaries Between Work and Home Life

One challenge a freelancer often faces is determining how to keep work habits from blending in with home life, and negatively affecting productivity. A two-fold approach is the most effective way in which to meet this challenge.

Number one: set aside a separate space for doing your work. Number two: Make yourself unavailable during working hours. And, don’t be afraid to stop working when you’re in the middle of something. You’ll usually find it easy to take up again where you left off.

Make It a Habit to Take Regular Breaks

Your brain is an energy sink and needs periodic breaks. Giving it those breaks can be a definite productivity booster. Apply the Pomodoro techniques, also referred to as the “tomato theory,” in which you periodically take short breaks during an extended working sessions.

Taking a 15-minute break roughly every 45 minutes is about right. You may be surprised to discover that you accomplish more taking breaks than if you’re in the habit of working straight through.

Summing It All Up

Do These Things:

  • Save time and energy by using Be Theme’s 250+ pre-built websites.
  • Establish a schedule; and religiously follow it.
  • Review what you’ve accomplished at the end of the day. It keeps you motivated.
  • Create a dedicated work space.
  • Make yourself unavailable during your work hours.

Avoid Doing These Things:

  • Working straight through without taking breaks. This habit can hurt your productivity.
  • Isolating yourself. Make an effort to find peers you can talk shop with.
  • Neglecting clients, colleagues or bosses. You don’t want to become invisible.

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