A new year is upon us and that means many people take a moment to pause and reflect on the goals they wish to achieve for themselves over the course of the next 12 months. Setting resolutions looks different for everyone, but if you’re in the web design business, and you need a little inspiration, you’ve come to the right place.
What follows is 12 New Year’s resolutions for web designers that you can commit to at the outset of 2020 and carry with you for the rest of the year.
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1. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
“New year, new me.” That means different things to different people. But if you’re a web designer, it should be don’t be afraid to take risks. Grow your skills. Try new things. Branch outside of your niche. Be bold!
2. Update Your Portfolio
The start of the new year is always a good time to set aside a moment to update your portfolio. Make sure it shows your current best work. Oh, and don’t forget to update your resume, too.
3. Learn a New Skill
No, not a web design skill. Something completely unrelated to web design. That’s going to mean different things to different people. Maybe you try watercolors for the first time. Or take up piano. Maybe you take a stab at writing. Whatever it is, building a new skill is vital for keeping your brain sharp.
4. Clean Your Desk
This applies to anyone who works in an office or who has a workspace but committing thet time to clean your desk is well worth the effort. Having a cluttered desk can be a real demoralizing so start the new year off on the right foot and clean it up!
5. Share With the Web Design Community
Start a blog. Or contribute articles to other blogs. Create an online course that you offer for free or for a premium. Speak at an industry conference or meetup. Whatever you decide to do, pour your heart into it. Share what you’ve learned in your years as a professional. Give back.
6. Be Picky
You don’t need to take on every client that comes your way. Some won’t be financially worth your while. Others will drain your time, energy, and leave you with nothing to show for it. If you do nothing else “new” this year, let it be eliminating vampiric clients from your roster.
7. Set Up a Workflow
If you don’t have a dedicated workflow process, now is the time to create one. Basically, evaluate how you currently do work, keep what works, toss what doesn’t, and encapsulate the best into a written-down how-to guide that you can give to subcontractors and clients, alike. Make working for/with you easy for everyone — most of all, yourself.
8. Give Your Website a Makeover
Too often those who work in web design don’t dedicate the proper time to update their own websites. Make sure your site is the best reflection of your current skill set before you click “update”
9. Keep Organized
If you struggle with organization, there’s no time like the top of the year to prioritize it. This means organizing your receipts, paying your quarterly taxes on time, and creating (and using) calendars so you can track all deadlines with ease.
10. Avoid the Urge to be Trendy
Sure, they’re fun to experiment with but hopping on every bandwagon will leave your work lacking style and ultimately looking dated fast. Pass on following every trend and instead opt for educating your clients about what works and what doesn’t.
11. Avoid Procrastination
For many, this means cutting down on social media usage. Maintaining a social media presence is good for business, and some leisurely scrolling is fine, too. But too much, and you’ll find that your deadlines are in jeopardy for no good reason. Balance is key.
12. Invest in Photography
Stock photography can be very useful and Adobe Stock offers a 30-day trial and 10 free images. However, don’t rule out hiring a photographer to represent your brand and business. If nothing else, have real photos taken of you and your office space to lend real personality to your business website.
Get Started with Your 2020 New Year Resolutions
We’re a week or two into the new year but it’s not too late to make a resolution and stick to it. In fact, if you’re reading this in June, you can still make a resolution. After all, resolutions are just goals. So why don’t you go ahead and make some and see where your hard work takes you?
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