This article was originally posted at and was kindly shared by Christina Truong. Check out more of her work at

(Prefer to watch a video? This article is a companion piece to my Decoded by Christina series on YouTube.)

Refactoring is the process of rewriting and restructuring the code to improve the design of the code base. This practice can be applied to any language but this article will focus on HTML and CSS. When refactoring, here are some goals to keep in mind:

Rewrite to reduce complexity. It’s easy to fall into the trap of over-engineering, especially when you’ve just learn a cool new trick. But try to keep in mind to only add what you need.

Make it reusable. Being able to reuse snippets of code means less code overall and more consistency.

Think about how you can make it flexible. This can help to make it easier to reuse and extend features by adding onto existing code snippets.

Make the code easy to read. Use whitespace, indentation and comments for organization. Show your intent by using descriptive class names and comments. Write your code as if you are writing it for someone else to understand. And in some cases you probably are! And even if you are only writing it for yourself, it’s not unusual to come back to a project months later and feel like you have to re-familiarize yourself with the codebase again.

Let’s take a look at some ways to refactor HTML and CSS.

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Reduce HTML markup

Something that happens often when adding content and styles to our web projects is inadvertently using too much HTML markup. For example, the <div> element is often used to group or wrap elements to add CSS to them. But it’s not always necessary to throw a <div> around the element that needs to be styled. Every HTML element is its own box and can be styled. In this example, the CSS style will look the same whether you add it to the <h1> element or its container element.

Refactoring HTML and CSS

Refactoring HTML

Create rules for writing CSS

rules for writing CSS

I always start with the base CSS, which are styles that are applied globally. Then add more specific styles as needed. When I say global CSS, I’m referring to the styles that are applied to all or most of the elements on the page, such as the font-family, defining font colors, general margin and padding styles and font sizes. These global styles are applied to the basic type selectors such as body, headings and links. Then get more specific as needed by applying styles using CSS classes. Even then, start with the more generic class styles like page wrappers and page layout styles.

writing CSS

As the project progresses, CSS styles can be added into related groupings such as the header and footer or specific page content, to keep things organized and easy to find.

more CSS

and more CSS

Reduce repetitive code

Combining selectors

Combining selectors

Create reusable classes

Create reusable classes

inheritable CSS styles

Reduce CSS specificity

Reduce CSS specificity

See the Pen Reduce specificity by Christina Truong (@christinatruong) on CodePen.

Reduce CSS specificity

Do you need to select links, in a “submenu,” in a nav? If so, then use:

If you need to select only links in a “submenu” that specifically uses an ordered list, then use:

But if you just need all the links in any submenu, use the most direct and simple way to get there:

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