Category: Collections

Interested in discovering more resources that can help you improve, streamline, and uncover new ways to build a better web? Design apps, productivity tools, WordPress themes, and more. Whatever resources you need, we’ll cover it.

Creative Custom Cursors

18 Creative Custom Cursors

A cursor/pointer is a position indicator that helps the user enter text, numbers, or symbols. The default cursor is a symbol that is easily recognized by tons of people around…
Bootstrap 4 Code Snippets

Bootstrap 4 Code Snippets

Do you use Bootstrap 4 in your projects? If so, you may be interested to see these examples of it in action that we’ve collected. From modals, sidebars, and thank…
Pure CSS Animated Page Loaders

20 Pure CSS Animated Page Loaders

Page loaders are often used on websites to give the user something to watch while the content is loading in the background, as well as signaling to the user that…