An effective business card is a great way to impress your clients. While there are many courses in designing business cards, minimalism is a popular trend in brand design because of its effectiveness and simplistic approach.
What if you wanted to express yourself creatively through your CV? Plenty of people do, and the result is stunning! In this collection, we've rounded up 40 incredibly creative resume designs that some truly talented designers have created.
When you’re creating a business card, it’s imperative that you nail the design. This little piece of paper is the face of your business, and often a first impression of…
Creative typography forms an integral part of any design, be it print or digital. And when it comes to creative advertising, proper use of typography can go a long way in conveying the ad's message to the masses.
Book cover designs are probably the hardest thing for designers to design because it should show the heart and the soul of the book in one single image. At the same time, it should be visually striking and appealing. Readers are still visual people after all.
Consumer products always have a great deal of impact on the world and our environment. Companies are now taking the responsibility of sustainability to foresee that future generations can still enjoy nature as we do today.
The Japanese are innovators, not imitators. One great difference between Western and Japanese package and product design is the amount of energy and life found in the latter.
Magazine cover design is not any different from any other type of design. It has its own challenges (and trust me, there are lots of them), tips, tricks, and tools of the trade.