Chatbots are a concept that has been around for a while, but relatively recently has become noticed as an opportunity you don’t want to miss in mobile app design.
With new trends, techniques and technologies being introduced every day, the role of a web designer is becoming harder and harder. Luckily, there are plenty of websites that will allow you to learn the latest techniques.
eCommerce mobile apps have come a long way since their inception coincided with the release of the Android and iOS ecosystems. Where we used to see fairly uninspired examples of user interface design, we now see some of the best examples of UI design within these eCommerce apps.
Modern Surrealism is a cultural and art movement that started in the 1920s. It encompasses all forms, such as art, sculpture, music, literature, film and philosophy. Surrealism is a sandbox of the human subconscious mind.
It's now commonplace for mobile user interfaces to include touch gestures for an enhanced user experience. So what exactly is a touch gesture? Think Twitter with its pull to refresh, or Apple Maps with its pinch to zoom. It can even be as simple as a swipe or press and hold.
Onboarding is a crucial element of many mobile applications. It walks the user through an introduction covering both what the app is, and how it works.
It seems that the days are gone when Adobe Photoshop dominated the web and mobile app design market. With the arrival of Sketch, real competition to Photoshop has arrived.
We all have had bad clients, but who’s really responsible for that? Remember that every client is a human, who wants to be heard, appreciated, taken care of. Give and…
Twitter is a platform for thousands of designers to showcase their ideas and daily routines with each other. From designing projects to inspirational quotes and sharing personal life experiences, everything…
It may seem unimportant, but for a web designer, the ability to produce good-looking photos using Adobe Lightroom is an edge, particularly in attracting more clients. With the sudden influx of high-resolution and cheaper Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) cameras, photos are now becoming must-haves for websites.
A nostalgic and old-fashioned look and feel in your work is one way to create the vintage and retro–inspired designs everybody loves. Mixtures of rich colors, grunge elements, and various textures will make the perfect vintage and retro design for you.