This is our hand-picked collection of the best premium parallax WordPress themes currently available, including their best features and why we chose them.
Every day thousands of people browse the App Store and Play Store in search of utilities and entertainment. Behind every search and download is desire – a desire to solve…
Planning to add small businesses to your list of clients?
Those already doing so, know how fierce the competition can be.
Pitching your web design skills to new clients can…
Most website builders will help you create a basic website. But what if you need more? If your goal is to build a customized platform that serves the needs of…
Wallpapers are always a source of inspiration. Everyone loves a good wallpaper, whether it is on the desktop screen or on a website. The simpler they are, the more beautiful…
With iOS 11 having now been officially rolled out across Apple devices, we are beginning to see some beautiful examples of what can be achieved using the revised design language.…
User onboarding is the process of orienting and familiarizing a first-time user with the environment of your product, giving basic essential directions that will increase the likelihood that new users will continue to use your product or service.
Did you ever have to put aside a project to respond to the 15th revision request from a client? Being the professional you are, you'll keep working until your client will be satisfied. Yet, who has so much time?
It's pretty hard to come by a design that equally serves both beauty and function. This applies to logo design, website design, illustrations, posters, and almost anything that has lines, curves, colors, and is artwork.
If you understand the term full stack, it will not only give you a clearer understanding of what your title should be; you will know, too, how you can be of value to the team and the project that you are working on.
Frameworks are tools that make the process of creating WordPress themes easier. They act as a launching pad that will speed up development while offering all the tools you need to create powerful and beautifully designed WordPress themes.