As another year comes to a close we can marvel at the massive growth in the design space. There’s no denying this year was an active one that’s seen enough…
Mobile app design has made for an exciting and diverse 2017. More than ever, there seems to be a split between extreme minimalism, and apps that use an abundance of…
Newsletters have long been a necessary aspect of marketing. While in the early years, designs were basic and uninspiring, we are now seeing some extraordinary examples of companies and individuals…
eCommerce mobile apps have come a long way since their inception coincided with the release of the Android and iOS ecosystems. Where we used to see fairly uninspired examples of user interface design, we now see some of the best examples of UI design within these eCommerce apps.
It’s not so much that I believe a particular design trend is great or that one isn’t, but more so that we need to take a step back and remember that trends come and go and that one trend doesn’t make a design great. Also remember that just because a trend works for one project, doesn’t mean it works for another.
While most of these predictions make a lot of sense based on what we have seen being used lately, I'd like to dig deeper into these trends and analyze the top 7 web design trends 2017 has to offer, while providing some tools and resources in achieving the desired look.
Although the hotel industry is already flourishing, there is still a lot of room for improvement. Most hotels do not understand the importance of their online presence.
With 2016 quickly approaching, graphic and web designers are scouring the Internet to see what the new year has in store for us. That’s right, folks, it’s time to once again talk design trends.
More often than not, a web design consists of a header, footer, sidebar, and the area for the main content, which seems to be the default layout.However, web designers, UI…
UX surveys can be pivotal tools for designers seeking to understand user preferences, opinions, and behaviors. They foster alignment between design strategies and user expectations and can improve product or…
Google’s Material Design guidelines introduced the ripple effect, a subtle animation that indicates user action. The ripple effect rapidly gained popularity in web design as a sophisticated visual feedback form…