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CSS text-shadow

The text-shadow CSS Property

When adding CSS styles to text on an HTML page, it’s usually best to keep it subtle, to make sure that the content on your page is easy to read. But sometimes you may want to make a small block of text stand out a little more than the rest.
This Week In Web Design - July 23, 2021

This Week In Web Design – July 23, 2021

From scroll-linked animations to website load testing, functions in typescript to design portfolios, WordPress tutorials to voice UI - these topics and many more are covered in this week's roundup.
This Week In Web Design - July 16, 2021

This Week In Web Design – July 16, 2021

This past week we have had a variety of web design and development related articles covering topics such as freelancing, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, Python, usability testing, static site generators, UX, and much more.